Monday, February 15, 2016

We've started giving this one bubble baths! And she loves it!! As a mom, I wish I had thought have this earlier. She will sit and play with the bubbles for a long time, giving me a chance to sit and take a breather. And she is so cute to watch explore! Mom and dad have a lot of fun playing with her in the bubbles too.

She has a fascination with the water stream. It is so cute. Whenever it is on she tries to grab it. she also brings her hands to her mouth, try see what that water tastes like I guess. 

We love bath time!!!

This picture isn't a bubble bath, but I love it. Addie loves her bath toys, and gets kind of violent sometimes playing with them.

We are loving having a crawler. It is so fun. She "sprint crawls" where her feet go faster than her arms and she falls on her face, but her legs keep going. It is so cute.

Some new things for Addie:
-Nap time has improved. She still moves around, but she does eventually lay down when she gets tired and goes to sleep.
-Night time has gotten so much better. She now only gets up about 3 times a night consistently. It is wonderful.
-She feel asleep last night while sitting up in her crib. Jaron and I were watching her on the video monitor. She was sitting up, started swaying, and then finally plopped down on her face and didn't move. It was probably the funniest and most darling thing we have ever seen
-All of her pacifiers have gone mysteriously missing, all at once. Yesterday we caught her kneeling up against the side of her crib (the side up against the wall) and peering down. Then she took her pacifier and deliberately dropped it down there. I think we know where all the pacifiers have gone too! A quick glance revealed two of them down there, and I think with a better look we will find them all. I wonder though, if she has to drop the pacifiers down, why do it on the side against the wall where it is so hard to get to! Sometimes I think she knows what were thinking....
-She says "mama" and "dada" all the time now. I think she first started saying them constantly about age 6 months. Her favorite word is dada, for sure. Mama comes out when she's upset.
-She loves to blow raspberries. Especially at church. I bet you can guess who taught her how to do that! Goes along with her favorite word!

Love this baby girl so much. It's sad, I don't think we will be ably to call her baby much longer. She's certainly not the little baby she was just a few months ago!

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