Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So long time no see!

We just got back from a trip to see my family in Ohio. It was a busy trip: we picked an apartment, toured Ohio State, and welcomed Alden home from his mission. Also in those two and a half weeks, Addie learned turned ten months old, learned to walk, got her first tooth, and learned to say "dog". Busy trip!

It was wonderful spending that time with my family. Addie got to know my parents and family better and met Alden for the first time. She also discovered she likes lollipops, courtesy of grandma Hilton. We are even more excited now to go to Ohio State for med school. We felt really good about our choice to go there; it was nice to have confirmed what we decided out of faith so many months ago.

Addie and her cousin Ivan took lots of wagon rides together.

Addie is a big fan of wagon rides.

Addie makes the best crocodile tears! Oh that poor little girl, just look at that face! What broke this little girl's heart? She got put down so mom could take a picture of her Uncle Alden and the Stake President after he was released from his mission. 

A four generation picture!! Addie's great-grandma (my mother's mom), Addie's grandma (my mom), Addie's mom (me) and the princess herself. I am really glad we got to take this picture of 4 generations of women. What a treasure!

Alden and Addie bonded quite quickly. Might of helped that Alden had glasses and Addie loves glasses. 

But in Alden's own words, he quickly became "best friends" with his niece and nephew after returning home from him mission. And those little guys do adore him.

Grandma Hilton and her two grandbabies: Ivan and Addie. Ivan is 6 months older (almost to the day) than Addie is. It is so fun having them so close together.

Aunt Sarah and Addie on the piano. 

Family pictures. Have everyone but Elliott, Kristina's husband, who is deployed. We haven't been this close to all being in one place since my wedding.

A very reluctant cousin picture. Ivan wanted to play with the dogs and Addie didn't want to look at the camera. But in this picture they are both holding still, not crying, and looking in the general direction of the camera. And when taking pictures of babies that equals success.

Hilton grandparents and the two grandbabies.

And of course, my beautiful family!

I sure do love these guys!

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