It started at about midnight Saturday morning. I woke up with intense contractions two minutes apart. Intense as in I could't talk through them and I definitely couldn't walk. I waited until 3:15 to wake up Jaron, both to see if they would go away and so he could get some sleep. I wanted to wait until 4 but the pain was so intense I really needed to get to the hospital. Our neighbor Greg, who is a hero, hung out here while Addie was asleep until my dad could take over.
So off to hospital we went and was checked into triage. I was only 2cm dilated when we arrived. An hour later it was the same. Two hours later still the same. Each time the nurse came in she commented on how strong my contractions were and how impossibly regular they were- every two minutes on the nose. They ended up keeping me there for six hours in that horrible little triage room because they really wanted to rule out that I in labor, which I guess I wasn't because baby isn't here. I was given the option of narcotic pain meds, which would keep me there another 3 hours to be monitored, or sent home with sleep medicine. I chose home with sleep meds. I was desperate to get off that horrible horrible bed.
Contractions continued, every two minutes, labor level pain. I had more pain with these contractions than I ever did with Addie because I got the epidural as soon as I was admitted with her. I couldn't walk, couldn't talk, could hardly even breathe. The medicine helped me to sleep after we got home, and I am so grateful. But when I woke up, contractions were still happening. And then again this morning, still having very painful contractions. I haven't been put on bed rest per say, but I have been told to take it easy as possible, more to prevent unnecessary pain then anything. My dear husband has been enforcing this and I have to admit it really helps to not move. My whole body aches and is sore, and then the contractions just keep coming and coming.
I'm shy of 37 weeks (full term) by three days. If contractions like these continue until I am finally term they told me they may just say I'm finally in labor and help things move along quicker. The doctor also told me that he would induce me anything after 37 weeks if I wanted, and at the time I declined for the sake of the baby. But now...if these continue I am going to take him up on it. I am in so much pain and don't think I could continue this much longer.
But this post isn't all about how miserable I am. Saturday was also Addie's 2 year old birthday party with my family- her birthday was on Wednesday. We are the parents of a two year old now!! My family still came to help celebrate her so Addie still got her day even though her mommy slept through the whole party.
The amazing Zootopia cake that Jaron made for Addie. Zootopia is Addie's favorite movie. I wish we had been able to capture Addie's grin when she first saw it. She was so excited.
Addie's gift from us was a princess bell dress, which we gave to her on her actual birthday which is why I'm in the picture.
Blowing out the candles on the bunny cake. Look at that smile!
Very grateful to my family that they were able to come up early and watch Addie. But also that the were able to give Addie a birthday party that I really wanted her to have, but couldn't personally give her. I hear that she was all smiles and giggles. We sure love Adelynn and are so so grateful that she is part of our family.
We went to the zoo on Monday and Addie loved it. In fact, loved is putting it lightly. She is such a fan of animals. We put a pioneer bonnet on her to keep the sun out of her eyes, and I think it was quite ingenious. It was Jaron's idea. She looked absolutely darling and because it was tied on she couldn't take it off.
He favorite part was the "horsies!" The carousel was the highlight of the trip. She smiled the biggest grin the whole time. After we left the zoo that is all she could talk about, for days actually. Everytime we told her we were going somewhere (store, swimming, playground, etc) she asked if we could go see the horsies too.
We went berry picking a few weeks ago. Addie was her silly self of course.
Our spoils: black raspberries, raspberries, and tart cherries. Addie ate an entire pint of black raspberries by herself. We know this because we handed her one to keep her occupied for a few minutes while Jaron and I finished picking. Very quickly Addie was back pulling on our legs holding up the empty pint asking for more. Our daughter is a berry lover!
Jaron is our master chef and he made some unimaginably tasty things with everything we picked.
Fresh strawberry pie, also made with strawberries we picked several weeks ago.
Fresh berry tart. Oh my goodness, one of the tastiest things I have every had in my entire life. He made almond frangipane to go on the bottom, which is basically a very thick almond custard. And then he layered the berries on top and smothered it all with a glaze he made. My mouth is watering again just from looking at the picture.
Cherry pie. Beautiful isn't it? I am not a fan of cherries so I can't personally vouch for it's taste, but we had our neighbors Greg and Kristen over and them plus Jaron were raving about it so I think it held up to Jaron's normal standard.
Can't help but post this one. We went to Stake and Shake and Addie was given this darling little hat and a bus to decorate. Isn't she just so cute?
Addie is a fan of corn on the cob, just like her parents. It took her a long time to figure out how to eat it (she wanted eat it like a hot dog) but once she got it she can't get enough. She chose the corn over the boiled egg and berries on her plate! And you know Addie loves berries!!